The root crop industry shall witness game-changing solutions as various science institutes and universities share their research and development (R&D) outputs through the Root Crops Farms and Industry Encounters through the Science and Technology Agenda (FIESTA).

The celebration of the Root Crops FIESTA is on April 24-25, 2024 at the Visayas State University, Baybay City in Leyte. With the theme “Sustainable and Effective Solutions for Climate Change, Urbanization, Research, Economic, and Development (SECURED),” this FIESTA aims to showcase R&D outputs pioneered by research and academic institutions in the Visayas.
Visit the Root Crops FIESTA to discover more about the industry. Learn from expert scientists, successful farmers, and distinguished business owners at the FIESTA technology forum. Industry players can also witness emerging technologies ready for commercialization at the FIESTA technology pitching event.
Among the technologies that will be featured are farming technologies such as sweetpotato weevil pheromone, hydroponic vertical gardening systems, and root crop fertilization technologies. In food processing, portable vacuum fryers, root crop chippers, and portable flour machines will be featured. And don’t miss out on food technologies like taro wine, taro brownies, sweet potato flour, ubi pastillas, and more.
Funded by the Philippine Council on Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD), this celebration is brought to us by the Western Visayas Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (WESVAARRDEC), the Central Visayas Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (CVAARRDEC), and the Visayas Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Program (ViCARP).
Learn more about the Root Crops FIESTA on